FAQ Categories
Camper mail can be left at the check-in table for delivery throughout the week. Include notes or small gifts and pre-packaged food if you’d like, provided it is peanut/nut safe. Please write your camper’s first and last name on the package, and indicate which day you would like them to receive it. To email your camper, use mail@forestcliff.ca and put your camper’s name and cabin number (provided at check-in) in the subject line. Email received by 11:00 AM is printed and delivered at lunch.

For an update on how your camper is doing, you may contact our Overnight Camp office (office@forestcliff.ca or 519-913-2744 x101).

Meals are served buffet style and within the meal there are a handful of different options for your camper. Our kitchen is familiar with special diets and food allergies and are happy to accommodate any additional needs. Making sure campers are eating enough and eating a variety of nutritious meals is one of our top priorities! We strive for diversity within the meals so even if the main dish isn’t something they enjoy there are other sides and alternatives (cereals, breads, fruits, and veggies) on hand.

Anyone picking up a camper must be on the authorized pick-up list, and will be required to show photo ID. Ensure that the photo ID matches the way the name appears on the pick-up list. If information changes, please notify us as soon as possible to update permissions.

We take great care when putting our cabins together and organize them by gender and grade. Mutual cabin mate requests are automatically matched up, and we are happy to accommodate additional requests whenever possible. Whether a camper comes to camp alone or with a friend they will have the opportunity to form new friendships in their cabin!

A parent / legal guardian can apply to volunteer at overnight camp (regulated health professional, maintenance, housekeeping, kitchen). Their camper(s) attending the same week will receive 50% off registration. Contact us for more information at info@forestcliff.ca

We put on an open house each spring! This is a great opportunity for new and returning families to meet the staff, wander the grounds, participate in activities and enjoy dinner with other camper families. Our open house will take place on June 7, 2025, and we hope to see you there!

Session full? Add your camper to the waitlist and click submit (you’ll know you’re on the waiting list when you receive an auto email). We encourage you to make another selection. You will be contacted right away if a spot becomes available to see if you would like to transfer your registration to your first choice.

Overnight Camp bursaries are distributed as funds are available, thanks to the generosity of our donors. Based on net income, bursaries cover a percentage of registration for one full week of Overnight Camp. This provides assistance when the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) themselves are paying.
When completing the Information Form during registration, you will come to a question, “Do you anticipate fees will be partly or fully covered by one of the following” – click bursary and a few questions will pop up.
The bursary deposit is $50/camper, rather than the usual camp deposit. The deposit is fully refundable if a bursary is not applied or the balance is not feasible.
Send your most recent Notice of Assessment to info@forestcliff.ca. If there are 2 parents/guardians in the household or 2 parents/guardians contributing to the camper’s expenses, we require both NOA’s. Your bursary application will be reviewed and you will be contacted once the deposit and NOA(s) have been received. Bursary does not apply when another individual/agency is paying, or with discounts or promotions.