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About Forest Cliff Camps

Our Mission & Vision

Forest Cliff Camp’s mission is to create life-changing, unforgettable experiences that encourage young people to grow in relationship with Jesus. We aspire to be a pioneering ministry and an indispensable partner in changing young lives.


In addition to our mission, we hold a number of values that influence the way we think and do camp.

  • We desire life-change for ourselves and others through God’s message of love, forgiveness and hope.
  • We are committed to serving children, youth and young people. We want to meet the diverse needs of all our guests.
  • We are passionate about doing ministry in the context of personal, caring relationships and inclusive and close communities. As a result we expend a great deal of time and energy finding, developing, and retaining people who relate to others in such a manner.
  • We are committed to delivering unique, exciting and inclusive experiences. This translates into the integration of faith and fun, diversity in programming and a resolve to meet and engage every young person at their level of maturity and development.
  • We seek to be a listening, learning and leading organization that launches young people into a life of purpose and Kingdom service.

Statement of Faith

  • We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, was true God and true man existing in one person and was without sin. We believe in His representative and substitutionary sacrifice, his bodily resurrection, His ascension to the Father, His present life as Lord of all, and His personal return in power and glory.
  • We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells and gives life to believers, enables them to understand and apply the Scriptures, empowers them for godly living, and equips them for service and witness.
  • We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, fully trustworthy, and the final authority in all matters of the Christian faith and life.
  • We believe that each member of the human race is fallen, sinful, and lost; that Jesus Christ provides the only ground for forgiveness of sins and justification to all who receive Him by faith; and that only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can they become children of God.
  • We believe that the one, holy, universal church is the body of Christ, composed of all regenerated people. This redeemed community worships God and seeks to proclaim the Good News to all people.

Our Year-Round Direction Team

Tyler Shaule BSc BEd

Chief Executive Officer

Jon Burkholder BRE

Executive Director of Day Camps

Leah Lapp BSc

Associate Director of Year Round Programs

Keith Lockhart BSc

Overnight Camp Director

Matt Lockhart D.GD

Social & Media Production Manager

Reagan Martinez CYW

Fundraising Manager & Executive Assistant

Nicole Smith HBECL

Associate Director of Day Camps

Krista Van Weezep

Administrative Assistant

Karen Wiseman BRE

Registrar & Business Manager

Karen Puffal – RSE, NOC

Associate Director of Food and Hospitality

Our Board of Directors

The Board of Directors provides guidance and expertise by:

Determining the organization’s Mission and Vision

Selecting and supporting the Executive staff

Ensuring organizational effectiveness in accomplishing our Mission and Vision

Maintaining compliance with government bodies

Providing financial transparency and accountability

Advancing the ministry of Forest Cliff Camp

Phillip Bruce


Ron Baker

Board Member

Stephanie Gonyou

Board Member

Grant Hall

Board Member

Jennifer Naccarato


Scott Stein

Board Member

Seasonal Staff

Our leaders find that special thing that makes each child unique and they nurture and celebrate it. With this in mind, a leader’s purpose is to be a great role model, build relationships with campers, and make sure they are well taken care of and included at Forest Cliff. Click below to learn more about our seasonal employment and volunteer opportunities!